A deeper look at Canada's present political farce, revealing that the monarchy serves as a front for rule by the oligarchy, exerted via their control of the Liberal-Conservative duopoly; featuring audio clips on this subject by Jon Stewart, and Alex Jones interviews with Webster Tarpley and Connie Fogal, plus our analysis entitled "The Empire Strikes Back, Canadian Style".
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2008/12/01 Surreality News Update, topic 3: Financial Meltdown
The incredible magnitude of the US and global financial crisis.
Commentary featuring audio clips from web radio interviews of Naomi Klein with Amy Goodman on DemocracyNow, describing the bailout boondoggle as a multi-trillion dollar crime; and Webster Tarpley with Jeff Rense, discussing the collapse of Citibank, the breadth and depth of the economic crises, and the desperate need for a 21st century 'New Deal' and radical regulatory changes.
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Commentary featuring audio clips from web radio interviews of Naomi Klein with Amy Goodman on DemocracyNow, describing the bailout boondoggle as a multi-trillion dollar crime; and Webster Tarpley with Jeff Rense, discussing the collapse of Citibank, the breadth and depth of the economic crises, and the desperate need for a 21st century 'New Deal' and radical regulatory changes.
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2008/12/01 Surreality News Update, topic 2: Terror in Mumbai
The Mumbai terrorist attack.
Could this be another case of 'false-flag' terrorism? Audio clip of analysis by Mike Rivero, from his GCN web radio program "What Really Happened". Also, audio clips of ominous warnings by Joe Biden, Madeline Albright and Colin Powell, of some serious crisis that will soon test President Obama.
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Could this be another case of 'false-flag' terrorism? Audio clip of analysis by Mike Rivero, from his GCN web radio program "What Really Happened". Also, audio clips of ominous warnings by Joe Biden, Madeline Albright and Colin Powell, of some serious crisis that will soon test President Obama.
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2008/12/01 Surreality News Update, topic 1: Canadian Politics
Canada's Parliamentary Crisis.
The political machinations of PM Harper's minority government, and the opposition united to defeat it. Commentary with audio clips from CTV news broadcasts.
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The political machinations of PM Harper's minority government, and the opposition united to defeat it. Commentary with audio clips from CTV news broadcasts.
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Imperialism, the essence of 9/11
9/11 viewed through the lens of Imperialism; originally broadcast on 2006/09/18.
As previously identified by numerous American geopolitical planners, their Imperialism needed a 9/11 as pretext for its unending 'War on Terrorism'.
While the horror of the spectacular terrorism of 9/11 is exploited to instill an unwarranted climate of fear and manipulate public opinion, the public is kept entirely unaware of the pernicious motive forces underlying Imperialism.
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As previously identified by numerous American geopolitical planners, their Imperialism needed a 9/11 as pretext for its unending 'War on Terrorism'.
While the horror of the spectacular terrorism of 9/11 is exploited to instill an unwarranted climate of fear and manipulate public opinion, the public is kept entirely unaware of the pernicious motive forces underlying Imperialism.
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"Towers of Deception", Barrie Zwicker
Author Barrie Zwicker interviewed by Diana Jewell, on his book "Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11"; originally broadcast 2006/08/28.
An objective critique of the events of 9/11; the historical regularity of 'false-flag' operations, the official white-wash propagated through the corporate media, the key role of complicity in the coverup by esteemed gatekeepers of the left, and the public distrust and difficulty in discerning the truth.
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An objective critique of the events of 9/11; the historical regularity of 'false-flag' operations, the official white-wash propagated through the corporate media, the key role of complicity in the coverup by esteemed gatekeepers of the left, and the public distrust and difficulty in discerning the truth.
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Obama-mania: the power of the Story and the power of Ideas
Review of the US 2008 election, examining how and why Obama-mania won over most Americans and the vast majority of citizens of the world. Obama promised only "change", without specifics, and was widely perceived as a 'messiah'. Beyond his exceptional intelligence, charisma, inter-racial appeal and fervent following, his annointment as 'chosen one' by Big Money was probably based on his image providing the most powerful facelift for the continuation of American imperialism, and the 'left cover' for imposition of draconian austerity measures required by the unprecedented American and global financial crises.
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2009 Outlook by Paul Craig Roberts
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, interviewed by Jeff Jewell, surveys the unprecedented economic problems now confronting the USA and the world, exploring the underlying causes, future consequences, and possible remedies. His greatest concern for the future is the unconstitutional assault on liberty and civil rights, cynically perpetrated under cover of the so-called 'war on terrorism'.
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MP3 File
2009 Outlook by Rodrigue Tremblay
Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, interviewed by Alfred Webre, overviews current crises and outlook for 2009, as a Monday Brown Bagger fund-raising special program on CFRO Vancouver Co-Op community radio.
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MP3 File
2009 Outlook by Alan Watt
Alan Watt, interviewed by Don Nordin, overviews current crises and outlook for 2009, as a Monday Brown Bagger fund-raising special program on CFRO Vancouver Co-Op community radio.
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MP3 File
2009 Outlook by Bob Chapman
Bob Chapman, interviewed by Reg Argue, overviews current crises and outlook for 2009, as a Monday Brown Bagger fund-raising special program on CFRO Vancouver Co-Op community radio.
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MP3 File
The Rituals of Democracy and Realities of Economy Revisited
Review of the 2008 elections of Canada and USA, in the context of the rapidly exploding global economic crises.
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MP3 File
The Rituals of Democracy and Realities of the Economy
Commentary on the superficiality of the ongoing elections in Canada and the USA, in the context of the rapidly deteriorating economic crisis; audio clip of Webster Tarpley's critique of Paulson's ultimate(?) raid on the U.S. Treasury forcing taxpayers to bail out Wall St.
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MP3 File
2008 Election Wakeup Call
Report on the 2008 US election, featuring audio clips from the Democratic National Convention by Alex Jones and associates, and Dennis Kucinich's plea "Wakeup America", plus brief commentary on anticipated Canadian election.
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MP3 File
8/8/08, Dawn of a New World Order
Aug.8 2008 was an historic day. The opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing (attended by Bush, Putin and 80 heads of state, and viewed by about 3-4 billion people aroung the world) was more than the widely heralded "China's coming out party". Our view is that it symbolized the end of the sole super-power era, and the beginning of the multi-polar world, with China confidently staking out a future claim as first among equals.
This day was also noteworthy for the ignominious attack by the Republic of Georgia, acting as a US proxy, on the separatist province of South Ossetia; analysis of this blatant provocation repulsed by Russia.
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This day was also noteworthy for the ignominious attack by the Republic of Georgia, acting as a US proxy, on the separatist province of South Ossetia; analysis of this blatant provocation repulsed by Russia.
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The Moral Hazards of America's Financial Crisis, part 1 of 3
An extended edition documentary, by Jeff & Diana Jewell, part 1 of 3:
An overview of the extent and nature of the crisis [huge, scary and devastating], as portrayed by audio clips from public broadcast and web radio:
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout, as reported by Jon Stewart, and financial experts from NY Times and Fortune interviewed by Charlie Rose;
the issue of "moral hazard", by PBS News;
the housing crisis in Cleveland, by Bill Moyers;
commentary by Jeff Jewell.
MP3 File
An overview of the extent and nature of the crisis [huge, scary and devastating], as portrayed by audio clips from public broadcast and web radio:
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout, as reported by Jon Stewart, and financial experts from NY Times and Fortune interviewed by Charlie Rose;
the issue of "moral hazard", by PBS News;
the housing crisis in Cleveland, by Bill Moyers;
commentary by Jeff Jewell.
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The Moral Hazards of America's Financial Crisis, part 2 of 3
An extended edition documentary, by Jeff & Diana Jewell, part 2 of 3.
The source of the crisis and the nature of the beasts who caused it, the players of Wall St.
Segments from the CNBC documentary "Untold Wealth, the Rise of the Super-Rich";
"Greed is Good" segment and documentary from the movie Wall St;
commentary by Jeff Jewell.
MP3 File
The source of the crisis and the nature of the beasts who caused it, the players of Wall St.
Segments from the CNBC documentary "Untold Wealth, the Rise of the Super-Rich";
"Greed is Good" segment and documentary from the movie Wall St;
commentary by Jeff Jewell.
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The Moral Hazards of America's Financial Crisis, part 3 of 3
An extended edition documentary, by Jeff & Diana Jewell, part 3 of 3.
Analysis of the crisis, its consequences and future outlook.
Segments with: William Greider interviewed by Bill Moyers, exposing the sin of usury, and market fundamentalism as a failed system;
Bob Chapman interviewed by Alex Jones, exposing the crime of "naked short" selling, and devastating consequences of fraudulent practices of Wall St;
commentary by Jeff Jewell.
MP3 File
Analysis of the crisis, its consequences and future outlook.
Segments with: William Greider interviewed by Bill Moyers, exposing the sin of usury, and market fundamentalism as a failed system;
Bob Chapman interviewed by Alex Jones, exposing the crime of "naked short" selling, and devastating consequences of fraudulent practices of Wall St;
commentary by Jeff Jewell.
MP3 File
The Oil Crisis Revisited
Analysis of Jeff & Diana Jewell, drawing on the works of F. William Engdahl, Mike Whitney, Michael Greenberger, Michael Masters. How speculators are adding about 60% or as much as $90 per barrel to the price of oil.
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MP3 File
"Seeing Through the Oil Bubble"
Analysis by Jeff & Diana Jewell, drawing upon the work of F. William Engdahl. Current oil prices are estimated to be 60% based on pure speculation, rather than supply and demand. Does the secret history of the 400% oil price increase of 1973 provide the explanation?
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How Asians view the west
HARDtalk, BBC interview with Kishore Mahbubani (ambassador from Singapore), by Stephen Sackur.
How Asians view the west, and issues of development, democracy and human rights.
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How Asians view the west, and issues of development, democracy and human rights.
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"Tibet or Not Tibet, That is the Question"
"Tibet or Not Tibet, That is the Question". Analysis by Jeff & Diana Jewell of the "Free Tibet" campaign, and the covert operators behind it.
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MP3 File
Engdahl, "The Financial Tsunami"
F. William Engdahl, "The Financial Tsunami", interviewed by Jeff Jewell
Engdahl's analysis of the unfolding financial crisis, which he
predicts will result in a depression and the end of the "American
Century" of world domination by the USA.
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Engdahl's analysis of the unfolding financial crisis, which he
predicts will result in a depression and the end of the "American
Century" of world domination by the USA.
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The Incredible American Meltdown--with Eyes Wide Shut
A review of the nature and causes of the rapid deterioration of the American economy, with evidence that insiders and the Bush administration and the Fed were well aware of predatory Wall Street practices and failed to control them.
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MP3 File
Support the Troops - Stop the Lies - Stop the Wars - pt.2b
Support the Troops - Stop the Lies - Stop the Wars - pt.2b
What's wrong with NATO? Well, since it lost it's only credible enemy, it has lost both its purpose and its principles and has become a rogue element in search of new enemies.
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What's wrong with NATO? Well, since it lost it's only credible enemy, it has lost both its purpose and its principles and has become a rogue element in search of new enemies.
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Support the Troops - Stop the Lies - Stop the Wars - pt.2a
Support the Troops - Stop the Lies - Stop the Wars - part 2a.
Understanding the truth about war: excerpts from Smedley Butler and Dwight Eisenhower; the Afghanistan war etc.
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Understanding the truth about war: excerpts from Smedley Butler and Dwight Eisenhower; the Afghanistan war etc.
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Support the Troops - Stop the Lies - Stop the Wars
"Support the Troops" is the jingo used by the war-mongers to preempt any serious discussion about the case for war. Our view is that the troops indeed deserve the support of all citizens, who should demand an end to the lies that are routinely given as the false reasons for war. And since all wars are always about profit and oppression, all wars except any truly in self-defense should always be stopped.
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Looking Back and Looking Forward, track 1
Looking Back and Looking Forward, track 1 of 2.
Review of Canadian and American political and economic issues of 2007, and outlook for 2008.
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Review of Canadian and American political and economic issues of 2007, and outlook for 2008.
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Looking Back and Looking Forward
Looking Back and Looking Forward, track 2 of 2.
Review of Canadian and American political and economic issues of 2007, and outlook for 2008.
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Review of Canadian and American political and economic issues of 2007, and outlook for 2008.
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