
The Tarpley Remedies for Iceland and America

Webster Griffin Tarpley interviewed by Jeff Jewell on 2009/10/27. Beginning with a brief discussion of oligarchic rule, linked to globalization and the deepening economic crisis, Tarpley summarized his work with Icelanders to resist being crushed under a debt burden being imposed by Gordon Brown on behalf of the London banking cartel. Tarpley also outlined his broad program for economic recovery of the USA.

MP3 File


Mike Rivero interviewed by Jeff Jewell

GCN web radio host Mike Rivero [whatreallyhappened.com] interviewed by Jeff Jewell on 2009/10/14, for CFRO's Monday Brown Bagger fund-raising special program of 2009/10/19.
Mike discusses issues related to the New World Order and the ongoing economic crisis etc.

MP3 File


Uncle Sam's bogus Iranian bogeyman, Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of 2, Gary Zatzman interviewed by Jeff Jewell on 2009/10/11. Analysis presenting the historical context of American imperialist forces and the role of the national security state and the AIPAC lobby.

MP3 File

Uncle Sam's bogus Iranian bogeyman, Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of full interview of Gary Zatzman by Jeff Jewell on 2009/10/11. Extras include excerpts from web radio of interview of Rashid Khalidi on Democracy Now, and Dutch TV documentary on the Mearsheimer-Walt study on the power of the Israeli lobby.

MP3 File


Uncle Sam's bogus Iranian bogeyman

Gary Zatzman interviewed by Jeff Jewell on 2009/10/11. Analysis presenting the historical context of American imperialist forces and the role of the national security state and the AIPAC lobby.
Broadcast excerpts from original interview of approx. 88 min.

MP3 File


How American Labor Lost the Class War

An intentionally provocative title, where we hope that history may
prove us wrong.
Features recorded excerpts from Bill Moyers Journal broadcast Sept.18
on PBS, as well as excerpts from our extended two-part version of our
June 8 MBB broadcast "The Controlled Demolition of GM: how Wall St
engineered the takedown of the American worker", including part of the June 1 interview of Prof. Michel Chossudovsky with Jeff Rense.

MP3 File


Circle of Democracy

Democrates speaks! Interviewed by Diana Jewell, for the Monday Brown Bagger program of 2009/08/31.

Democrates is the author of “Manifesto of REAL Democracy: The Guide to Liberty, Equality—and Survival.” This potentially transformative book explains how the principles of the original Athenian democracy have been subverted by the Demockracy Fraud of modern republican governments and how, by establishing Circles of Democracy, we can recover the original democratic idea and begin once again to govern ourselves.

MP3 File

This book is available in Vancouver BC from:
- People's Co-op Bookstore (604-253-6442 or toll-free 1-888-511-5556 )
- Duthie Books (604-732-5344)
- Sophia Bookstore (604-684-0484)

To read the introduction, "The Vision of REAL Democracy", and to find a list of independent bookstores in Canada and the USA that have the Manifesto, go to: